From: November Horse News 2015
See also: Olympia Horse Show • Horse Of The Year Show • Hickstead • Olympics • Badminton Horse Trials • Kentucky Horse Trials • Eventing • Show Jumping
Olympia Horse Show 2015
The popular Olympia Horse Show which takes place in West London in December is rapidly approaching with numerous competitions as well as displays on offer.
The event kicks off with the FEI Reem Acra Dressage Grand Prix where riders will aiming to qualify for Wednesday's Freestyle to music. The programme will also include a musical display by the Household Cavalry's Mounted Regiment, the Shetland Pony Grand National as well as a display by Jean-Francois Pignon who will show off his skills working at Liberty with a group of horses.
On Wednesday there is the Dressage Freestyle to Music where each rider will perform various dressage movements such as half pass, flying changes, piaffe, passage and pirouettes to the music of their choice. There will also be the chance to see Jean-Francois Pignon, the Mounted Cavalry and the Shetland Pony Grand National.
Thursday is the start of the show jumping classes as well as the Extreme Driving Classes, highlights of the day are to include the Puissance competition where riders have to tackle the infamous red wall, and in the extreme driving there is the Top Score competition. During the day there will also be a chance to see the Shetland Grand National, musical ride from the Household Cavalry and Jean-Francois Pignon working at Liberty with his group of horses.
Friday has the excitement of the show jumping Speed Stakes and the Christmas Cracker as well as more thrilling Extreme Driving in the form of the FEI World Cup as well as the Senior Showing Championships, the Dog Agility Finals, Shetland Grand National and more displays from Jean Francois Pignon and the Household Cavalry.
Saturday has the Father Christmas Stakes, The Christmas Masters and the Christmas Tree Stakes as well as more exciting Extreme Driving, dog agility and displays. With Sunday's programme including the British Riding Clubs Quadrille of the Year as well as Novice Dog Jumping Grand Prix and the FEI World Cup, the Mistletoe Stakes and the Ivy Stakes.
Monday is the final day and has showing classes which includes Native BSPS Ridden Mountain and Moorland Championships as well as thrilling show jumping including the Pairs Relay, the Holly Speed Stakes and the Olympia Grand Prix as well as plenty of entertainment from Jean-Francois Pignon, the Shetland Grand National, and a display from the Mountain Regiment of the Household Cavalry, amongst some of the many highlights that will be on offer.
There are also no shortage of shopping opportunities with well over 200 shops available selling a variety of goods from riding apparel, equestrian goods and tack, as well as clothing shops, arts and crafts as well as jewelry.