Specialist Stable Units
Allocated rooms for the Vet, Solarium, Hydrotherapy unit, foaling box, Feed room and wash down area allow for ease of use and privacy during treatments.
- Veterinary Room
This should be well lit and have a non slip floor. The veterinary cabinet should always be locked when not in use. There should be easy power point access available and the vet room should be close to the stable yard.
More About Veterinary Rooms
- Wash Down Area
This must have a non slip floor and have a drain to take the water away. Easy access to the water and wash equipment is crucial. And have a tie ring within the area at a sensible height.
More About Wash Down Areas
- Foaling Box
This is a stable that is large enough to house a mare and foal. A foaling box will have specific requirements such as hay racks, feed units for the mare and foal and water drinkers. It must be well lit with ample room and a panel that allows you to peek inside without disturbing the mare is an excellent asset as is installing CCTV equipment so that you can monitor your mare from a distance without disturbing her. As with any box kick boards all around and smooth surfaces are as standard. If possible site your foaling box close to the veterinary room.
More About Foaling Boxes
- Solarium
A Solarium can be either suspended from the ceiling or placed into a fixed unit such as a purpose built stock, a lot will depend on the manufacturers specifications. The benefit of a stock will keep the horse safely in place while it is undergoing the solarium treatment and the stock can also be used for veterinary treatment as well. The solarium should be housed on non slip surface in a quiet location.
More About Solariums
- Hydrotherapy Unit
These are often walk in units that house a specific water treatment such as a spa or treadmill. The amount of room you will need will depend on the units own specifications.
More About Hydrotherapy Units
- Feed Room
The feed room needs to be situated close to the main yard for it to be practical, but it must be able to be securely locked and have a water supply and be well lit. All the feed bins must be vermin proof, lockable and kept off the floor, the floor itself needs to be able to be easily swept.
More About Feed Rooms