Colours Of The Horse
Horses can come in a variety of different colours.
A brown horse with a black mane and tail:
- Light Bay
Light bay has a light brown coat with a black mane and tail.
- Dark Bay
Dark bay has a darker brown coat with a black mane and tail.
Black coat, mane and tail colouring.
Brown mane, tail and coat colouring.
Black mane, tail and points with a dun, golden or cream coat colour
Horses with light or dark red coat colouring similar to that of the nut of the chestut tree are said to be chesnut:
- Liver Chestnut
Liver Chestnut is a deep orange colour, covering the mane, tail and coat.
- Chestnut
Chestnut is a lighter colour than the liver covering the mane, tail and coat.
- Sorrel
Sorrel is more red in colour than the Chestnut.
The horse will have white body, mane and tail with categories including:
- Flea Bitten Grey
Flea Bitten grey is a white horse with dark flecks throughout the coat.
- Iron Grey
Iron grey is a very dark type of grey covering the mane, tail and coat.
- Cremellis
Cremellis a cream coloured horse with blue eyes.
- Albino
Albino is a white horse with pink skin with pink eyes
- Dappled Grey
Dappled grey is a white horse with dark grey circular patches that give a dappled effect.
A light golden colour. The mane and tail can be lighter than the coat
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Horses will have a solid base colour with white flecks throughout:
- Strawberry Roan - Chestnut with white flecks throughout the coat.
- Blue Roan - Black base colour with white flecks throughout the coat.
- Bay Roan - Bay base coat with white flecks throughout the coat and with black points, mane and tail.
A horse which has patches of black and white throughout its coat. The mane and tail are often two toned also.
A horse which has black, brown and white coloured patches throughout its coat.
Large white patches often with a dark face and white legs.
- Splash Overos
Splash Overos have their legs and underbelly covered in white with a white face and tail in one colour.
- Frame Overos
Frame Overos are a black, brown, bay or chestnut colour with irregular white patches throughout.
The coat is covered in small spots.
- Blanket - A white area over the hip area with spots the same colour as the base colour within that area.
- Leopard - A white base colour with spots all over the body of different sizes.
- Snowflake - Base coat is covered with small spots or flecks.
- Frosted - Dark points on the knee and hocks with white flecks throughout the coat
Dun coloured coats are tan in colour and often have back points and dorsal stripes, the mane and tail are black