Bog Spavin
A soft swelling caused by an increase of synovial fluid around the hock joint.
Bog Spavin can be caused by:
- A direct injury such as a kick.
- Straining of the joint capsule.
- Degenerative joint disease.
- Synovitis - inflammation of the joint lining
- Infection of the joint itself.
Bog Spavin Symptoms
- Soft swelling appears around the hock joint.
- Lameness can occur in some but not all cases.
Bog Spavin Treatment
Some of these treatments may prove successful, but the underlying cause of the bog spavin must be found.
- Rest
- Anti inflammatory drugs
- Draining the joint may be necessary in some cases.
- Corticosteroids injected directly into the joint.
- Joint lubricant put directly into the joint.