This is a deficiency of red blood cells within the horses body. Red blood cells contain haemoglobin and are essential for the transportation of oxygen from the heart to the rest of the body, as well as allowing the removal of carbon dioxide to occur.
Symptoms of Anaemia
- Your horse will have pale gums.
- The horse may be lethargic.
- May have an irregular heart beat.
Test for Anaemia
- Anaemia can be spotted by looking at the horses gums which are usually a red to pink colour but when anaemic they will be pale.
- A blood test will show reduced levels of red blood cells.
- The capillary refill test this is a good way to see how quickly the colour returns to the gums after your thumb has been held there for a few seconds, the colour should return almost immediately or certainly within a few seconds, if it does not then your horse could be anaemic.