Quarter Horse Breed

From: Horse Breeds

Quarter Horse

Quarter Horse
An intelligent and quick thinking horse, with a docile temperament make this beautiful horse a very popular all round choice.

They range from 14 HH up to 16.3 HH

Bay, chestnut, black, brown, dun and gray.


Horses taken to America by the Spanish Conquistadors were mixed with English horses to produce an all round work horse that is sure footed with agility, stamina and speed.


American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA)
Was set up in 1940 in Texas and now has over 300,000 members. The association maintains the official registry and looks at preserving and improving the Quarter horse. It also has a Museum and a Heritage Centre.

Famous Fact
The American Quarter Horses Association is the largest breed registry with over 3 million horses listed. And it was a Quarter horse called "Cisco" who appeared in the film Dances with Wolves.
