Andalusian Horse Breed

From: Horse Breeds

Andalusian Horse

Andalusian Horse
This handsome looking horse has an excellent temperament with beautiful paces, making it a fantastic riding horse which excels in dressage.

15 to 16 HH

Bay and grey.


This is a Spanish bred descendant of the Iberian Sorraia horse who is closely related to the Lusitano The Andalusian horse being quick thinking, strong and agile were used as cavalry mounts by the Greeks and Romans, these lovely horses where brought to England after the Norman Conquest.

During the 19 century it was the Carthusians who helped the Andalusian breed to survive by maintaining strict breeding programs and moving the horses out of the studs and into hiding in the monasteries, during times of trouble.


International Andalusian And Lusitano Horse Association
The IALHA is dedicated to promoting and preserving this stunning breed of horse.
